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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Let's try to package mailman3 in Debian!

On Feb 20, 2016, at 07:52 PM, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:

>- it does not work on stretch/sid because it is not compatible with
>  Python 3.5, see https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues/181

Since both the latest Debian and Ubuntu releases have dropped Python 3.4 and
only have Python 3.5, I'm changing my mind on compatibility with Mailman 3.0.x
and Python 3.5.  On IRC, PEB said he was going to look at what fails when
running the test suite against 3.5.  If that's tractable, I'll make the
upstream release-3.0 branch compatible with Python 3.5.


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