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Re: dbconfig-common: near future change in dependency stack

Excerpts from Paul Gevers's message of 2015-12-06 11:48:41 -0800:
> Hi Clint,
> On 06-12-15 18:22, Clint Byrum wrote:
> > I've never been very happy with
> > dbconfig-common because it kind of assumes databases are on the same
> > server as apps, which is increasingly not the case with smaller server
> > instances running in VMs, on the cloud and in containers.
> I am totally flabbergasted. dbconfig-common goes through a lot of hoops
> just to make sure this is not true. Sure, the *default* questions and
> answers are geared towards local database servers. But by either
> (re-)configuring dbconfig-common to raise the priority level of remote
> questions by default, or by raising the priority level during package
> configuring will get you the questions needed to configure your remote
> database. (Of course we can discuss what the proper priorities are but I
> really hope no DD will think (anymore) that dbconfig-common assumes
> local databases.)
> And yes, there is still bug 700895¹ (improve dbadmin-less database
> configuration workflow).

As I said, "kind of assumes [local]". I understand there are ways to
make it behave as well as possible. However, I, nor any of my peers
who deploy, things bigger than one server on a regular basis, want the
package manager to do anything this deep for me. We mostly want it to
get out of our way. I also understand that there are plenty of DD's who
do want these types of things done for them. I applaud our diversity of
opinions, and so will not push further than expressing my own position.

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