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Re: Unreleased libraries

My apologies if something isn't right with this email, I'm writing from my phone. 
On 7.2.2014, at 18.25, Pau Garcia i Quiles <pgquiles@elpauer.org> wrote:


I am interested in packaging Skia ( https://code.google.com/p/skia/ ), the 2D library used in Chromium, Firefox and others. I need it because a package I maintain (witty) is replacing GraphicsMagick with Skia.

I went to Skia's download page and... found there is none: Skia does not make releases, tags, or anything like that. You download from Subversion and the svn revision is all you have.

Have you tried asking them (the upstream) for a tag?
I have a couple of times asked politely for a tag from some upstreams and was lucky to get one, even though the upstream hasn't had a tag in years.


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