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Re: [Pkg-javascript-devel] Node.js and it's future in debian

On Wed, 2 May 2012 17:53:54 +0100
Wookey <wookey@wookware.org> wrote:

> +++ Patrick Ouellette [2012-05-01 23:12 -0400]:
> > file.  Compounding the issue, some Debian Maintainer seeking to better the
> > project by packaging additional software for the project failed to perform
> > "due diligence" in researching if any of the binary names from the proposed
> > new package were already in use. 
> Just a quick question - is there an easy way to do this? I worry
> sometimes that I might be creating a binary name that is already used
> somewhere, and thus a potential clash, but it is not obvious to me how
> to check. Strictly this applies to every file in a package, although
> clashes are most likely in /usr/bin

ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/Contents-amd64.gz ?

$ zgrep bin Contents-amd64.gz |wc -l

There's also http://packages.debian.org/#search_contents which can
search for files listed within packages.

The 23Mb size of Contents*.gz is a barrier to doing this automatically
or via lintian etc. For those with slow connections, p.d.o is possibly
the best option, for specific files which may have problems.


Neil Williams

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