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Re: Official position on POSIX compliance?

On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 07:46:38AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Clint Adams <schizo@debian.org> wrote:
> >> * 'tail -1' and 'head -1' instead of POSIX-compliant 'tail -n 1' and
> >>   'head -n 1'.
> >> * user/group specification as 'user.group' as an argument for chown, for
> >>   example. The correct POSIX form is 'user:group'.
> Which is probably the single thing where the POSIX way is obviously
> better. (as it does not break on usernames containing "."). ;-)

I don't really agree here.  There are a lot of corner-cases
where && and || are obviously superior to -a and -o for instance.

> [...]
> > * 'command -v' and 'type' instead of '/usr/bin/which' or similar mechanism.
> No. i.e. although it is a UP extension we are probably going to
> embrace it, simply because which is not up to the job. (no support for
> shell functions/aliases). See http://bugs.debian.org/218530 for
> details.

True.  So far I've help back any changes involving command -v, since
this is undecided.  For the trivial cases I've changed type to command
-v instead, though.

> >> * Does the majority of Debian developers agree, that this compliance
> >>   should be enforced and bugs should be filed against the non-compliant
> >>   packages?
> No way to tell without a GR.

I don't think there's a need for a GR to file wishlist bugs for this
kind of issues, and concerning non-compliance for builtins, we already
have that as part of policy, though it needs to be clarified a bit.

We shouldn't cater to POSIX where it is just obviously insane, but I
think we should do our best, especially in base/required/important and
standard packages.

> > Seems that way.
> >> * What severity should be assigned to non-POSIX-compliance bugs (if any)?
> > serious; it's a violation of a 'must' directive of Policy 10.4.

In theory, yes.  But 10.4 is a bit vague, hence I've been filing them as
minor.  Also, filing RC-bugs this close to a release is probably not a
good idea =)  Also, 10.4 only states that the shell-features must be
POSIX compatible, nothing is said about other things, like tail, head,
egrep etc.

> No. 
> 1) policy says nothing about e.g. chmod, as it is no shell builtin.

You mean chown, I presume?  chown is serious in a different manner
though; it will break with user- and groupnames that contains a `.'.

> 2) We have yet not even decided which superset of POSIX-sh we will
> require (probably just UP and echo -n)

Or just command -v + echo -n.

> 3) "echo -n" is definitely not POSIX (even forbidden for XSI) but we
> encourage it in policy anyway.

Yes, and I think we can continue to do so without worries.  There are
replacements (printf), but I don't think we should bother.

> 4) There is usually[1] no point submitting bugs about usage of non-POSIX
> options for our userland. In the first place our userland is not POSIX
> compatible (check e.g findutils) and in the second place we call it
> Debian/GNU Linux *because* our userland offers more than barebone
> posix.

Filing bugs against usage of non-POSIX things in our scripts is useful
imho, since it allows for use of smaller script-engines and hopefully in
the end also use of busybox with the base-system instead of a large
quantity of other tools; a big boon for embedded projects.

However, cases where extra functionality is provided or bugs in POSIX
aren't reimplemented (GNU has the very sane policy not to reimplement
others' bugs...)

> David Weinehall <tao@debian.org> has started auditing packages for
> selected XSI extensions, and has submitted the respective bugreports
> (with patches) as minor, which seems to be correct to me.

Indeed.  Things that do not break with a non-POSIX shell (such as
tail -1, head -1, egrep, and fgrep) I file as wishlist, and I when I
remember to, I file chown as normal, since it's not only a POSIX-issue,
but can break in other cases too (normally I forget though).  And even
where used as chown 0.0 for instance, it still sets a bad example.


Regards: David Weinehall
 /) David Weinehall <tao@acc.umu.se> /) Northern lights wander      (\
//  Maintainer of the v2.0 kernel   //  Dance across the winter sky //
\)  http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/    (/   Full colour fire           (/

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