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Re: a forth release?

Frank Küster schrieb:
Helmut Wollmersdorfer <helmut.wollmersdorfer@gmx.at> wrote:

You're wellcome to join our team as "somebody", I'll be the "senior
tester". The problem is you won't (and I cannot blame you for that), and
that there ain't enough other people. I plan to do some advertising and
attract some intested TeXnicians to help us with this, it's also a good
thing to learn more TeX.

I would join, if I would know something about Tex, but I never used it. The second reason is, that I committed myself to a small GPL project, and there are others in the queue, e.g. Gnumeric, where I promised to develop more extensive test cases to fight against excel. On the debian side I am interested in testing/reviewing the installer, but ...

But I have deferred this until after sarge's
release and the transition to tetex-3.0, because I think after that
development will be calmer and newbies can enter the team easier.

... I wait for development being calmer.

See above - it is not bug.

You don't mean that a release critical bug is not important -- just
because the one who encountered it doesn't know enough about the system
to make a good bug report,

A bug report like "<package> crashes my system" without version number is useless. You cannot say if it is a bug or not.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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