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Re: libc5 dpkg - any interest ?


> > I've finally managed to build dpkg for libc5.  Is anyone
> > interested in the binary packages ?  If so I'll put them in
> > project/experimental.
> Yes, I think several people are interested in this (well, I'm not,
> but in some cases the bo-dpkg is insufficient, and bo-people
> need a libc5 dpkg). I think having a libc5 would help
> them a lot.

Does it solve the problem with long filenames? I got a "corrupted tar
filesystem" message while trying to install ptolemy (a non released
package becouse of this problem). Someone told me that dpkg´s implementation
of tar had a problem with very long filenames... I submitted a bug report.

If it solves the problem, the I NEED that package :-)


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