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Re: Great news for Debian!

Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com> wrote:

: On the other hand are there Debian users that are NOT students and NOT ISP
: sysadmins? It seems like most Debian developpers fall in one of those
: categories (sometimes both ;)...

Well, I'm very proud of what we've done with Debian: I work for
a multinational company and in the subsidiary I am located at (Venezuela)
we use Debian in 3 different sites (6 sites in the near future).

In the main office the main server runs DNS, WWW, mail, dial-in (PPP/SLIP),
Samba, UUCP and news.

Another site connected with a leased line to the main office has a
Debian server that provides mail, DNS, Samba and bridging (with 
IP masquerading) between the two LAN's.

Another site (in another country) has another Debian box providing
basically the same services (DNS, mail, dial-in, Samba, UUCP).

Everything is pretty stable and I have been able to upgrade all servers
to new Debian releases without even rebooting or being phisically
in the same site where the server is. Pretty cool.

All Debian boxes are 100% stable. Availability is also perfect.
This contrasts with, for example, our Novell server that crashed several
times before I upgraded some NLM's (I don't know which one was
causing the problems).

The decision to use Debian (Linux) was taken localy. I convinced the
management to go with Linux and after they started to see the results
I got resources.

Thanks Debian, thank Linux and thanks Linus et al in the first place.



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645

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