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Bug#4696: Incorrect font files generated

Package: mflib
Version: 1.0-6

The script 


supplied with the Package mflib-1.0-6 contains code to automatically
generate Metafont source files for the DC fonts. However, it does this
irregardless of the version of the font sources being installed. 

This would not be a problem if the font sources themselves were
up-to-date. Unfortunately, those in mfbasfnt-1.0-3 are from the
obsolete DC version 1.1.

We are aware that the DC sources have disappeared in more recent
versions of mfbasfnt. Note that the LaTeX team disapproves of this, as
for non-english speaking countries, these fonts are the basic fonts,
in place of the cm fonts. The promised mfdcfnt package does not appear
in the debian non-free subtree, so this is a severe restriction on the
usability of the debian TeX packages.

For the LaTeX Programming Team

   Rainer Schöpf
   Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung           A point of view can be a dangerous
    der Universität Mainz                  luxury when substituted for insight
   Anselm-Franz-von-Bentzel-Weg 12         and understanding.
   D-55099 Mainz
   Germany                                  Herbert Marshall McLuhan:
   <Schoepf@Uni-Mainz.DE>                          The Gutenberg Galaxy

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