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Re: mandb and col

On Sun, 5 May 1996, Martin Schulze wrote:

> Hallo Maarten!
> }mandb fails for me cos it can't find /usr/bin/col. Therefore I can't make 
> }the index-dbase.
> }
> }But, I can't find col anywhere myself too. Where is it? In which package? 
> }And why doesn't man depend on this? I just installed man-2.3.10-11, along 
> }with *a lot* of other packages.
> It's in the bsdutils. Perhaps man should depend on these.

Nope, it's in bsdmainutils or something like that as I found out after 
searching throught my whole archive of .deb-files (had to write a little 
script to get this done, can't dpkg-deb be changed so that '-c' can take 
multiple deb-files?).

But man should depend on this in my opinion.


| Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL  |
|   boekhold@cindy.et.tudelft.nl boekhold@gopher.library.tudelft.nl   |
|                  Take life as a party!                              |

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