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Re: Rules proposal: Guidelines change announcement procedure

> >Kevin Dalley has proposed suggested me that these things should be made
> >noticeable in the Subject line, and I concur.  I propose starting the
> >Subject line of some messages with particular strings, as follows:
> >
> > Subject: RULES CHANGE: ...
> That is not enough! It is OK to have this too, but the _real_ solution
> is to have the maintainer of the Guidelines update them fast and include
> things like the upload procedure. This is not currently include but it
> definitely should be.
> I think a ruling should be made that what is stated in the Guidelines is
> the current policy and nothing that is not included should be requested.

I agree, but think we need to go even further than this.  The archive
maintainer should verify, as best he can, that all uploads follow the
current guidelines before moving them from the Incoming directory.
Uploads that don't follow the guidelines will be rejected.  This will
force lazy developers (like me!) to pay better attention to changes in
the guidelines.

David Engel                        Optical Data Systems, Inc.
david@ods.com                      1101 E. Arapaho Road
(214) 234-6400                     Richardson, TX  75081

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