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Proposal for a new debian.control field

New code in the 1.3 kernels affects our networking packages, and, but that's
less dramatic, the apmd package I uploaded this weekend.

We do have source- and image- packages which would allow for testing the
current kernel version, but that's not really a valid option as it's so
common to grab kernel sources on one's own. Which leaves dpkg unknowing in
the dark.

I was thinking that we could put a new field in debian.control which
specifies a kernel version number. We could thereby assure that 1.3 packages
do not get installed on 1.2 system, or even that some 1.3 requirements that
are met only in kernels greater than 1.3.somenumber are fulfilled. dpkg
should test this via uname or /proc/version or some other means.

I haven't really spent much thought on this, so some gotchas might be hidden
here. Comments anyone?

Dirk Eddelb"uttel                              http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

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