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symbolic links within /bin

I was just looking around in /bin and noticed some symbolic links that 
may be incorrect.  My system is 0.93R5+++ (I update the base regularly).  
The links I wonder about are
        csh -> ../usr/bin/tcsh
        rmail -> /usr/sbin/rmail
        rnews -> /usr/sbin/rnews
        smail -> /usr/sbin/smail

tcsh (6.05-4) seems the most serious since if someone choses to use tcsh 
for root, it may not be available when the system is running.

The others just seem a little odd.  The FSSTND says things in /bin are 
essential to have the system running and I don't think rmail, smail and 
especially rnews falls into that category.  Maybe its for traditional 
reasons, but I would think we would try to straighten it out.

Are these bugs?  If so, I will report each of them individually so that 
the maintainers can work independently and each defect can be resolved on 
its own.

Kenny Wickstrom           | gnu - a new generation in s/w devel/support
kenny@kennet.com          | Linux - a much improved Un*x clone
(708)740-4008             | Debian - a Linux distribution setting the
#include <std-disclaimer> |    standard for future distributions

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