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Re: Sponsor my 'Pekka Kana 2' package

Hello Carlos,

Am 23.02.19 um 17:46 schrieb Carlos Donizete Froes:
> Hi,
> I'm requesting a sponsor for my "Pekka Kana 2" package. I will be very grateful, if possible, to
> upload to Debian.


I had a look at your package and there are some issues that have to be
clarified before it can be uploaded.

First of all in this case I don't mind that you have created a fork of
the game and cleaned up the code base because the original code was
developed in 2003 and doesn't look maintained anymore. However there was
the port to SDL in 2010 and finally to SDL2 by other contributors and I
wonder why you didn't just base your packaging on this version:


There was recent activity only a month ago and maybe the author is
interested in incorporating all your changes?

It is unfortunate that the level editor was removed. Could you explain
why this was necessary?

My greatest concern is the current licensing though. The original
license is in src/license.txt

"This package contains the source codes for the game Pekka Kana 2,
written by Janne Kivilahti.
The game and it's (sic) code are copyrighted by Janne Kivilahti, but you
can modify and use the code freely
as long as the original author is mentioned."

This should be the main license in debian/copyright that covers all the
code. You can't just claim that all code is licensed under BSD-2-clause
although the licenses show some similarities. Of course you can claim
copyright for the debian directory or the manpage and desktop file which
you wrote yourself. But you can claim copyright only for work that
surpasses a certain threshold of originality and I'm not sure if this is
true for all the original source files which you modified in part.

I think pk2 is too short for a binary package name. At least this name
wouldn't ring a bell for me. Could be anything. What about renaming the
package simply to pekkakana2?

pk2 depends on g++. That should not be necessary.

So far



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