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Re: Cannot upload package in sid to screenshots.debian.net ?


On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 08:24:03PM +0200, Emmanuel Kasper wrote:

> I wanted to upload a screenshot of gnome-video-arcade, but it looks like
> the 'package name' field auto completes javascript prevents me to enter
> its name. I cannot type gnome-video-arcade in the field.
> Is it because only screenshots from Stable are accepted ?

No, screenshots for unstable are fine too. I guess its way simpler than 
you think:
screenhots.d.n has to maintain a list of existing packages somewhere, 
and this list has to be updated from time to time. as your package is 
quite new (23-04-2011) in the archive, it may be the list just was not 
updated since then.

I'm CCing Christoph, the maintainer of screenshots.d.n who might be able 
to tell you more or just push the update button :)


Bruce Schneier can read and understand Perl programs.

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