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Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@deb.at> wrote:

>   I asked around a bit and got the impression that many people aren't
>  going to attend this years debconf - at least from our team, which I
>  consider a bit depressing, but I still thought I shouldn't keep the idea
>  to myself anyway.

Shame :(

>   So I'd like to know for sure, who might be coming to debconf? Who might
>  be interested in some working session during the debcamp?


>   So from the people going there, would some be interested to work on a
>  webbased goplay? I really want to make that happen but I doubt that I
>  would be able to do it completely on my own, and I just don't want to be
>  the only person working on it, my time constraints are sometimes pretty
>  unstable.

Not sure if I will be, but possibly.

Are you thinking it should be on packages.debian.org/games, or some other site?

>   There is way more stuff to discuss about or work on, so if anyone is
>  coming and would like to add something, just send a note.

At some point I'd like to discuss distro-wide standards for keyboard
shortcuts; simple stuff like pause, quit, fullscreen and so on.
Perhaps that is something for the cross-distro games list though.



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