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Re: Team Members MIA

Alexander Schmehl wrote:

* Miriam Ruiz <little.miry@gmail.com> [080213 15:15]:

I've promoted Alexander Schmehl (Tolimar) and Cyril Brulebois (KiBi)
as admins for the Games Team. Thanks for being there :)

Speaking about that, I just stumbeled over the member list of our team.
I got kind of puzzled, how many people are members -- 72!

I was even more puzzled, since I haven't heard of most of them
anything... (or at least can't remember to have seen recently on the
list or on the channel).

So I took the liberty to run some script-foo, and see, which user did
how many commits to our subversion repository.

I always wanted to do this ever since we had that discussion about mentoring new comers.

0 alec-guest
0 alionka-guest
0 asciitxt-guest
0 awoodland
0 bent-guest
0 bpowell-guest
0 dmilstein-guest
0 fenio
0 gurkan-guest
0 ieugen-guest

Friend of mine, member of the debian-l10n-romanian team, got a little scared about the packaging stuff, since he thought it was too difficult for the little time he has now available. He also started a small project of his own (unrelated to games, but related to l10n). I will ask if him about this (CC-ed).

Eugen are still interested in the Debian Games Team? The team is really open and would appreaciate any help, even if that means sorting out bugs and seeing if they reproduce, and or why/when do they happen.

If you wish, we can meet in person and I can show you a package update or how I fix a bug, or anything like that.

0 jluebbe-guest
0 kaplan

Probably not enough time with OpenOffice.org stuff and work. Hi Lior!

0 lfittl-guest
0 lyz-guest
0 mones
0 rschultz-guest
0 simon80-guest
0 sukria
0 warp10-guest
0 winterknight-guest
0 xerakko
1 joeyh

Joey has stated clearly he is displeased with our organization and they way we're handling the source package. He would really love to see us using git (and I must say, I really understand him now).

1 tobi-guest
2 arthur-guest
2 mario
3 sdt
4 schizo
4 toots
5 brad-guest
7 helmut-guest
8 rainct-guest

Really new member, special interest in glest, a package with a really low count of releases/year, although it just raised recently.

BTW, glest 3.1.1 can now packaged since 3.1.0 migrated to testing.

10 tincho-guest
13 persia-guest
15 fgevaerts-guest
16 javier_galicia-guest
16 linas-guest
17 pascal
17 skx
17 synrg

Mostly out of time, as I understood; currently more busy with EeePC development.

17 wijnen

Frequent uploader, iirc, very useful comments and reviews.

20 jmm
21 beatle-guest
24 mleeman-guest
31 nacho
33 sistpoty-guest
35 sargentd-guest
39 richih-guest
49 enrico
49 fritsd-guest
55 ansgar-guest
57 mjj29
60 ana
63 jorda-guest
64 artefact-guest

Interest in wormux, haven't seen him active revcently.

71 fourmond
88 pdewacht-guest
109 alfie

Who the hell is this? :-P
Thanks for the wormux upload.

112 siretart
120 jseidel-guest
131 js
140 pabs
167 kibi-guest

Our "most decent commenter" award frequent winner!

214 jmtd-guest
256 sho

Our beloved DPL, soon to be ex-DPL, hopefully more active here as a result of that :-) (not that I disliked him as a DPL).

294 tolimar

Don't know who^W^Whave a doubt that you know who you are :-) .

364 ceros-guest
404 eddyp-guest

OMG, OMG, I am dropping in the charts!

424 bddebian-guest

Our "MVP" of the year! Also frequent winner of the "I do the walk, I do the talk, but I can't do the upload" prize!

483 fuddl-guest
796 baby-guest

Our "I love that cute game, we have to have it in Debian" al-times winner!

1350 goneri-guest

Our clear "Step back, I know what I'm doing. I'm a doctor! I am doctoring the games ;-) !" prize winner! Also, sole winner and inventor of the "who does most work in a team gets the good beer" award. Unfortunately, he didn't collect his prize yet, but as a compensation, he will get the double amount when he'll be handed the prize!

Okay, so we have some members, who are _very_ active, some who are more
or less active, and some, who haven't done a single comitt.  I wonder if
we do something wrong?

I mean... why did you joined?  Why did you nothing?  Or did I miss
something you did?  Don't take me wrong -- it's not intended as finger
pointing or insult, I'm just curious, and wonder if we should do
something in an other way to get more contribution from you ;)

Really valuable and easy to do contributions to the team would include:
- spy on other distros' collection of games - report and/or add info to our http://wiki.debian.org/Games/Suggested page - triage bugs (check personally if the bug reproduces, check if is/looks fixed upstream - changelogs help) - rehash upload requests, or even become/create a UPLOAD REQUESTS frequent reporter (hmm, that sounds interesting, really useful and simple, at the same time) - check if the currently uploaded packages are tagged at all, or properly in the svn (check if the unpacked versions in the archive are the same in SVN)

PS: BTW, we have 27 DDs in our team, so theoretically, it shouldn't be a
problem to find sponsors...

But, unfortunately, we kind of do... mainly because we didn't managed to find a really suited way of making upload requests. Maybe we should really revisit Reinhart's REVU and put it online somewhere.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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