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About theme "Ice Swirl" a proposal of collaborative theme

Hi all,

I'm making a call to all people who think a good idea to create a
collaborative theme aka 'Ice Swirl'[0] for next version of Debian.

The theme of a distribution goes beyond a simple wallpaper beautiful.
You need to test on multiple monitors and different resolutions, you
must also create many other graphic elements that make up the subject
since the launch of a distribution. A person/artisita alone could not
do it all with quality and time, so this is a call to gather common

I'm not an artist, my background is in Advertising, motivates me to
create more material for promotion and marketing of Debian. But we
must first think and look at each application or window manager. Since
the installer to the installed version.

My English is very poor. In fact Google Translate make me lazy to
learn english. I have to "drink shame and courage" to study this

Now without much ado, I still have no ideas... nothing created only
Fantastic ideas have already been shared here in the list, I think
this is the spirit.

Gather some like to look at this link[1] www.valessiobrito.info/tmp/wheezy-ice

I'm also thinking that the proposal does not spiral into an ice
cube[2] "stuck." But the cube is own spiral-shaped[3]. To create this
I'm seeing some techniques[4] in inkscape.

If you have more ideas or would like to create concepts, can and
should do. Tell us, will be a pleasure to view and discuss

Decisions will always be consensus, but you can create more than one
theme, follow different paths... Where necessary simply "clone" the
project[5] and modify freely.

[0] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes/IceSwirl
[1] http://www.valessiobrito.info/tmp/wheezy-ice/
[2] http://www.valessiobrito.info/tmp/wheezy-ice/ice02.png
[3] http://linux.activityworkshop.net/downloads/pastel_swirl_wallpaper_wide.jpg
[4] http://wiki.softwarelivre.org/pub/InkscapeBrasil/InterpolarSubCaminhos/text02.gif
[5] https://gitorious.org/themes-debianart/ice-swirl

> Profissional de inovação
@valessiobrito / +55 (71) VALESSIO

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