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Re: splashy in default desktop environment(was: The project is dead?)

Splashy as of right now works out of the box by simply installing it.

The only modification that needs to be done, is that "splash vga=NNN"
needs to be added to the kernel parameter. Since there are many ways
to get that done, we simply don't assume that users have
Grub/Lilo/Quik or any bootloader in particular, installed.

Otavio is a member of the team. He is in charge of the debian package
mostly, but he also helps with code from time to time. Otavio wants
Splashy to work from initramfs before it goes into Etch. And he simply
thinks that usplash is too limited.

We are getting closer to having Splashy from initrams ready for
prime-time. The problem seems to be with directfb (itself).

On 8/24/06, Gustavo Franco <gustavorfranco@gmail.com> wrote:
On 8/24/06, Luis <lemsx1@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just wanted to point out that Splashy is being developed with
> debian-desktop in mind and Etch.
> You might want to include Splashy in this task/virtual-package.
> ATM Splashy is not part of Etch as we are working on a bug that
> prevents Splashy work correctly when started from initramfs. We are
> about 10 or so developers working on this problem #splashy on
> irc.freenode.net.
> (...)

Hi Luis,

How much "working out of the box" it will be? I blogged about the
subject on planet some time ago, but nobody answered my question.
What's Otavio's opinion about it? We missed beta3 for tests (i know
that splashy isn't in testing yet), so our deadline to add the package
in the task is close.

-- stratus

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Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru


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