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Re: Proposal for a new CDD project: Debian4Linux


On Friday 20 April 2007 03:17, Luis Matos wrote:
> i don't know if, for example skolelinux has a solution like this for
> server auth. If it has, it would be good for us to expand it, or use the
> same.

Yes, Debian-Edu/Skolelinux installs a preconfigured LDAP setup. Most of the 
other features of your lists are also provided by Skolelinux :-) (Which is 
>99.5% Debian btw *) 

Did you try the debian-edu etch DVDs, which are still in development at the 
moment, to see if they fit your needs? http://ftp.skolelinux.no

Our target for lenny is to be fully included in Debian (no packages from our 
archive anymore, this means finally fixing #311188). 


(*) probably even more than 99.5% :)

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