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RE: survival skills for teenage geeks

~-----Original Message-----
~From: vikki@2khiway.net [mailto:vikki@2khiway.net]
~Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 11:41 AM
~To: debian-curiosa@lists.debian.org
~Subject: Re: survival skills for teenage geeks
~On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 09:58:16AM -0800, Jay wrote:
~> ~-----Original Message-----
~> ~From: Alexander Hvostov [mailto:alex@aoi.dyndns.org]
~> ~Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:57 PM
~> ~To: Vikki Roemer
~> ~Cc: debian-curiosa@lists.debian.org
~> ~Subject: Re: survival skills for teenage geeks
~> <snip>
~> ~
~> ~Agreed. People who post to debian-curiosa should be forced
~to socialize
~> ~with each other, if at all.
~> </snip>
~> I agree the same thing. We have too much in common to be a
~coincidence, it's
~> just that common souls hang out in the same places.
~Oh, that's what he meant...?


~Yeah, I figure this counts as 'socializing' if anything does.  Think
~about it-- how much good does it do me if I hang out with the kids in
~the youth group but don't really talk to them because we have nothing
~to talk about?  I know, you all have no control over the situation;
~I'm just kinda ranting a little, here.  I already tried giving my
~parents my whole 'I socialize more through email than I ever would in
~the youth group' argument, but they didn't buy it. :(  They figure
~that 'socializing by osmosis' as I call it is better than 'nothing'
~(they think email is nothing). *rolls eyes*

Been there, done that.

It took me a couple of years after high school to finally get out of the
house, and start meeting people, eventually I got married, but still meeting
people. It's fun! Sure beats staring at a blank prompt at times or getting
harrassed by gays (I got nothing against them, it's just that some are VERY
annoying when 'hunting for prey'), anyway...

~Anyway, I'm home on a snow day. :(  College was cancelled, so no
~OOP/Python class, no computer club-- in the club we were going to
~start on a Beowulf cluster today in the Computer Club; but, I still
~have to do high school classes. :( *sigh*  The killer is, the snow was
~only ~3 inches deep, and now it's starting to melt-- the roads have
~been dry for an hour over here by me.  But, people around here in
~nice, warm, sunny North Carolina freak out when they see 1 snowflake,

I live in Baja California, never snows here (at least not south of San

~Hope everyone else is having a better day than me.

I'm slaving away at work, is that any better? =\

May the Force of the Dragon's Spirit be with you...In Accordance With The

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay "CoolDragon" Arias-Chavez  )O(  =- /*-

"En el horizonte vertical yace el espejo de nuestra Alma."
"In the vertical horizon lies the mirror of our Soul."
- J. Arias-Chavez

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