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Bug#1035904: dpkg currently warning about merged-usr systems (revisited)

On Tue, 16 May 2023 at 09:27, Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 16 May 2023 at 02:50:48 +0100, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> > This sounds like a very interesting use case, and the first real one
> > mentioned, which is great to see - but I do not fully follow yet, from
> > what you are saying it seems to me that what you need is for your
> > binaries to use the usual pt_interp, that bit is clear. But why does
> > it matter if /usr/bin/ls on the host uses a different one?
> We don't need to run the ls from the host, but we do need to run
> glibc-related executables like ldconfig and localedef from either the
> host or the container runtime, whichever is newer. Because glibc is
> a single source package, executables and libraries within the glibc
> bubble sometimes make use of private symbols in libraries that are also
> within the glibc bubble (and IMO they have a right to do so), even though
> executables from outside glibc would be discouraged or disallowed from
> doing so. This means that when we have chosen a particular version of
> glibc (which, again, must be whichever one is newer), we try to use its
> matching version for *everything* originating in the glibc source package.
> In principle we could get exactly the same situation if we've imported a
> library from the host system (as a dependency of the graphics stack) that
> calls an executable as a subprocess and expects it to be >= the version
> it was compiled for - hopefully not (/usr)/bin/ls, but potentially others.

Thanks for the clarification, so if I understood correctly, your use
case is that sometimes (eg: when they are newer) you pull binaries
(eg: ldconfig) from the host, and run them from the container? So, in
case let's say ldconfig on the host points to /usr/lib/ld, but because
your container is not usr-merged, it wouldn't find the interpreter and

> The wider point than my specific use-case, though, is that when there's a
> standard, you can't predict what other software authors have looked at the
> statement "you can rely on this" and ... relied on it. See also Russ's
> (as ever, excellent) mails to the same thread.
> I appreciate that you are trying to explore the edges of the
> problem/constraint space and say "what if we did this, could that work?",
> and it's good that you are doing that; but part of that process is
> working with the other people on this list when they say "no, we can't
> do that because...", and respecting their input.

I respect and appreciate the input, but I want to understand it too,
hence the "because..." part is what I was looking for - so thanks for
providing it, it is really useful.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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