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Bug#1035904: dpkg currently warning about merged-usr systems (revisited)

On Mon, 15 May 2023 at 06:48:04 +0200, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote:
> Obviously, with Luca's proposal, binaries from packages built with a different
> dynamic linker path in them would not work on distributions without merged-/usr
> symlinks. But if the property of stuff from Debian being able to run on
> non-Debian non-merged-/usr systems is an important one, then why was it okay to
> have merged-/usr as the default? Because with merged-/usr we already changed
> the interface contract for a lot of things because now binaries and libraries
> can also be found at other locations than on non-merged-/usr systems. A script
> with a /usr/bin/bash shebang built on and for Debian will not work on a system
> without the symlinks.

pre-bookworm gcc writes /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 into the ELF header
of amd64 binaries and I think post-bookworm gcc should continue to do so
even though that has never been the physical path to the ELF interpreter
on Debian (it's really /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, or
historically a version-numbered path). People who are only testing on
Debian systems, even in pre-merged-/usr releases like Debian 9, could
already have been relying on /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
existing; and now that we're saying merged-/usr is mandatory,
people who are only testing on Debian >= 12 could also start
relying on /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 or
/usr/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2; but we arrange for both/all paths
to exist, and we advise developers that they should only rely on the
interoperable /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, treating all other paths that
lead to the same binary as an implementation detail.

I don't think it's any different to say that both /usr/bin/sh and /bin/sh
exist and will work, but ask that everyone should continue to use /bin/sh
and treat /usr/bin/sh as an implementation detail.

The way I think about merged /usr is a variant of Postel's principle:
be conservative in what you require, but be liberal about what will work.
A merged-/usr system can run software that assumes merged-/usr, and can
also run software that doesn't (because of the compatibility symlinks);
a non-merged-/usr system can run software that doesn't assume merged-/usr,
but software that makes that assumption will sometimes fail to work on it.

Consistent with that, despite being in favour of merged-/usr myself,
I didn't switch my development laptop or my autopkgtest VM images
to the merged-/usr setup until it became effectively mandatory
during the bookworm cycle - because if a package was doing something
not-maximally-portable, I wanted my development laptop or my test VM to
be one of the places it would fail to work, so that I would notice and
report that bug.

Conversely, I *did* switch non-development computers (servers and family
laptops) to merged-/usr, because on those systems the important thing is
for software to work, even if in theory it "doesn't deserve" to work.

On post-bookworm, merged-/usr Debian systems, if we keep using #!/bin/sh
and #!/usr/bin/perl scripts, and avoiding #!/usr/bin/sh and #!/bin/perl
scripts, then I think that's a positive thing for cross-distro interop -
and using the interoperable path to the ELF interpreter (dynamic linker)
is completely consistent with that.

As far as I can see, post-bookworm Lintian will continue to warn about
the non-interoperable spellings like #!/usr/bin/sh and #!/bin/perl,
unless changed to special-case them.

Note that the paths that are canonical from the point of view
of cross-distro interoperability (like #!/bin/sh) are not always
the same as the paths that are canonical from the point of view of
realpath(). *At the moment*, they are usually canonical from dpkg's
point of view, but that won't be the case forever, and I think that's
fine. /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 isn't considered to be canonical by
either realpath() or dpkg either (dpkg knows it's a symlink, even on
non-merged-/usr systems where /lib64 is a real directory), but it's
canonical for the x86_64-linux-gnu ABI and that's what we say is most

> With merged-/usr we already *did* "change fundamental things around" for
> reasons that are really not clear to me (but which i do not want to discuss
> here) and as a result did not "care about interoperability" (with those who do
> not also adopt it).

Didn't we? With merged /usr, the "theoretically correct" #!/bin/sh
scripts that have always worked will continue to work, and additionally,
"incorrect" #!/usr/bin/sh scripts will *also* work. That sounds like
caring about interoperability to me!

The one piece of interop we lose with merged-/usr becoming mandatory is
that if a developer has only tested on Debian (and other merged-/usr distros
like Fedora), if they have used a less-interoperable spelling of the path
like #!/usr/bin/sh or #!/bin/perl, their testing will not highlight that
source of potential non-interop with others.

However, I don't think it's credible to claim that "if you only test on
Debian, your software might not work on non-Debian systems" is something
new; if you aim to support some other distro as a first-class citizen,
there's no substitute for actually testing on it (or having users,
bug reporters and contributors test on it for you).


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