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Re: Bug#1019409: Bug#993161: pam: some remaining changes for DPKG_ROOT


Quoting Steve Langasek (2022-09-10 22:16:55)
> > > > For the record I do not consider this an override requiring a
> > > > supermajority and would abide by a majority TC decision.
> > > Thank you for your input.  The TC can just issue advice after reviewing
> > > the proposed changes, in this case.  An alternative would be to word the
> > > resolution such that it counts as advice if we have a simple majority
> > > and an override if we have a supermajority.  I'd prefer the former, but
> > > it would be good to hear from Helmut about it.
> > AIUI, Steve's objection is substantially that this is quite an invasive
> > change to make across our toolchain, and should be discussed on debian-devel
> > before just being implemented package-by-package (rather than any particular
> > objection to the approach). Is that correct?
> I think that's a fair characterization, yes.
> I support the goal of making it easier to bootstrap ports.  I also don't
> even see a cleaner way to accomplish this than what's proposed.  But I think
> there's a duty, when making distro-level changes, to have a project-level
> discussion about what's being proposed and why, and to get consensus on it,
> not just file a bunch of bug reports on individual packages.

I think there's a duty, when maintaining a package, to at least send a short
reply to bugs against your package and even more so, if pinged multiple times
and your co-maintainer explicitly waiting for you and thus this non-action
resulting in blocking other people's work. We invoked the TC not because we did
not want to discuss on d-devel but because you have kept silent since February
2021 when we filed our initial bug #983427 against pam.  In hindsight, we
should've written to d-devel, yes.  Helmut and myself are working on a mail to
send to d-devel to get this done now in the sense of "better late than never".
We didn't think that such a mail was necessary because there are only 10 source
packages (including pam) that require the DPKG_ROOT variable in their
maintainer script for this mechanism to work (that's why I wouldn't classify
this as "distro-level change") and because the required changes to maintainer
scripts result in zero behaviour changes on anything that is not

>From my side, I'd be fine with the TC pausing any action on this issue and
waiting for our mail to d-devel first. This is assuming that if there is no
opposition to the DPKG_ROOT idea, that Steve then also has no objection against
merging our patch.

Helmut, what do you think?


cheers, josch

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