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Re: debian-ctte mailing list and spam

On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 08:56:31PM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
> There are other heuristics in place to fight SPAM on the Debian lists
> already.  I'm on quite a few of them and I see an occational SPAM, but
> not much, really.  I've also got my own spam-filtering in place, of
> course, which I imagine also helps.

Your fundamental point seems to be that we should have no filtering
till after the list has distributed it (or, at least, no more than what
the other lists have).  That any additional filtering should be on a
per-user basis.

Is this a fair summary?

Do you also feel occasional spam is ok for the web archive?

Ian: perhaps we should split this list into two -- one for official
announcements (this one can be moderated, or only accept certain pgp
signatures or whatever) and one which is open for discussion.  Would you
have any objections to that approach?



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