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Re: Bdale Recommendation

Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Bdale Recommendation"):
> Raul Miller writes ("Bdale Recommendation"):
> > I vote to formally recommend Bdale Garbee as a technical
> > committee member.
> Absolute, I vote in favour of this too.  (I've been away in SF and
> then to a con, so I've had no access to my home email for about two
> weeks.)

So now the following committee members have voted in favour:
             Raul Miller
             Ian Jackson
             Manoj Srivastava
             Dale Scheetz

These two have not yet voted:
             Guy Maor
             Klee Dienes

This means that the outcome is no longer in doubt so Bdale is
officially proposed by the Committee for consideration by the DPL as a
new member.

Bdale, I assume that you're happy with this ?  Ben has already stated
that he agrees, so if Bdale is willing then he's appointed.  Who do we
mail to get him added to debian-ctte ?


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