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Bug#1064235: cloud.debian.org: systemd-resolved et al. status (bookworm)

Hi Noah,

First of all many thanks for the new images and for the help with this bug report.

Regarding removing libnss-resolve, that's good to know. I figured doing bullseye->bookworm was not a good strategy long-term anyways, so I decided to look further for a solution, which I found by removing the resolve entries in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

But I'll definitely will try by removing libnss-resolve on next installs.

For instance, the other issue I was facing turned out not to be related to s-resolved, but to s-networkd not honoring DHCP search domains (for which I'm currently testing a solution and plan to file a bug reports soon, hopefully with a proposed workaround).


On 2024-04-11 20:33, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
On Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 09:39:40PM -0700, Flavio Veloso Soares wrote:
Hi Noah - I guess I'll be doing bullseye->bookworm installs in the meantime,
until 12.6 so I can fill bug reports (if any).
It should be plenty to start with the bookworm images and simply remove
the libnss-resolve package.  It's quite a lot simpler.



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