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Bug#966573: progress packaging awscli v2

On Tue, Oct 05, 2021 at 11:10:43PM -0600, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> My first pass only produces -dev packages with headers and static libraries.
> To test them out, build the debian/sid branch from these repos, in this order:
> - https://salsa.debian.org/rvandegrift/aws-c-common

Are you sure this library can have a 1 as ABI?  Can you please reproduce
the ABI stability promisses?

I see in the public JSON headers the following interface changes:

| -typedef bool(aws_json_on_member_encountered_const_fn)(
| +typedef int(aws_json_on_member_encountered_const_fn)(
|      const struct aws_byte_cursor *key,
|      const struct aws_json_value *value,
| +    bool *out_should_continue,
|      void *user_data);

That's neither source nor binary compatible.

I don't think any of those libraries are reasonable ABI stable to be
maintained as shaed libraries.


Warp 7 -- It's a law we can live with.

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