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Re: Debian Jessie images are removed

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 11:39:13PM +0200, Bastian Blank wrote:
> > IMO we should not be taking down published images except in cases where
> > we need to for some compelling reason like legal obligations.  Doing so
> > risks confusion for our users, or worse, outright breakage, and that
> > leads to lack of trust.
> We remove the EOL stuff from our mirrors.  Everything using it will
> break anyway.  So no, those images should not stay easily usable.

Yeah, but we preserve it on archive.debian.org.  If we had infinite
space on the mirrors, I doubt we'd bother moving it.  We have, in
essense, infinite space for published images on cloud services (at least
the larger ones like AWS and Azure).  If that ever stops being the case,
we can consider what to do, but I think revoking things that may be in
use should be a matter of last resort.

> > We shouldn't be actively promoting EOL releases, and we should make it
> > clear where we can (e.g. the wiki, the cloud service's marketplace, etc)
> > what releases are EOL, but we shouldn't break our users.
> They need at least go from anything easily searchable.

I completely agree that they shouldn't be searchable.  And if they ever
are listed on a web page or other resource, it should be along side a
prominent and very clear disclaimer that they're no longer supported.

The AWS Marketplace provides the ability to "sunset" a product, which is
what I did with jessie there.  When that happens, the product is no
longer shown in search results and no new subscripts are allowed to it.
But customers that are already using it can continue to do so.  If Azure
has similar functionality, I think we should make use of it.


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