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Re: bits on bootstrap-vz on Azure

olivier sallou <olivier.sallou@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,


> I just wanted to give a status on my depvts for bootstrap-vz for Azure.
> I can build at the moment a vhd disk file to be used as an image. However i
> do not even reach (yet) the boot. Indeed, Azure requires an image disk to
> be a multiple of 1024 bits.
> Though my partitions are multiple of 1024 bits, it seems that generated
> image is not fine for it....

Unless it has changed, it's not 1024 bits, but it's 1MB. According to my
notes, I was getting this error message otherwise:
"The size must be a whole number (in MBs)."
[ with azure node js tool ]

> For the moment I generate a raw image with Azure agent and convert it to
> vhd files.
> Indeed, kpartx seems to fail on vhd disks at grub install:
> Installing grub
> device-mapper: resume ioctl on vdc2 failed: Invalid argument
> create/reload failed on vdc2
> Command 'kpartx -a /dev/mapper/vdc' returned non-zero exit status 1

You can create an image file understood by qemu (and other tools) in
order to install grub & co. Then, use something like that:
qemu-img resize $image $roundedsize
qemu-img convert -o subformat=fixed -O vpc $image $vhd

[ this code is a small part of
http://git.hupstream.com/?p=projects/azure-image.git;a=summary. I guess
it can be improved but at least it was working last time I used it ]


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