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Re: [RFR] Press release about Debian on public clouds

On 03/15/2013 07:59 AM, Craig Small wrote:
> Having Debian on some of the largest cloud providers is a good thing.
> The fact that their systems are not as open as we'd like is really a
> secondary thing because, let's face it, I'm not going to run openstack
> and all the associated infrastructure just because its Free Software.

Well, knowing that the hosting company you choose uses free software,
is a factor for many. The fact that you don't run it yourself because you
don't have the physical infrastructure to run it is orthogonal to this
discussion, IMO.

> The recommends thing to me was a bit odd; here's some good news (and it
> is good!) but, we have to taint it with negativity because, well just
> because.

Well, not "just because", we do have reasons. Because it's closed
software which AWS and Azure are running. And we care that our
users don't get locked into it. This has, IMO, nothing to do with using
public or private cloud, this has everything to do with being able to
do a small setup in your garage if you feel like it.

> You have to think about the audience, they're already pretty sold on
> what provider their using;

How do you know? Amazon tries to spread this word, but I've read
many polls that shows AWS users are looking at the possibilities
offered by open source alternatives like Openstack. I'm not saying
they would switch, but at least, the polls show they aren't that close

> For those who wondered why there aren't images for platform X, its
> because there is no "they" we're volunteers and people will focus (or
> not focus, such as slack people like me) on where their interest lies.

Yeah. Though it's a shame that the Debian official images aren't
available on the Debian servers (I believe the AWS images would
run quite well on Openstack, even though I had no time to check
for that fact). I think we should focus on advertizing about cloud
images in general (AMI images can be used in AWS, but also on
Eucalyptus or Openstack). I just wish my message was heard by
those who did the hard work (eg: Charles and others), but as you
wroge, they just go where their interest lies, and there's nothing
I can do about it (but to do some of the work myself).


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