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Re: debci-worker: reduce dependencies?

On 2023-06-20 01:58, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 11:25:09AM +0200, Christian Kastner wrote:
> To be honest, I would like to have less shell code, not more. Also,
> debci-worker calls at least one Ruby program. While I would not mind
> reducing the set of dependencies needed for debci-worker, I would not be
> willing to move stuff that is already in Ruby to shell.

Sure. With most of the scripts being shell, I just misunderstood the
intentions here. In any case, my intention was not to get rid of Ruby,
only of the numerous dependencies unnecessary for workers.

debci-worker does seem to call one Ruby program (via debci-amqp) but
that's only to declare a queue, and that's right after a call to
amqp-declare-queue. So pulling in the full stack just to get the default
queue name (which is trivial) does like something that could be optimized.

> FWIW, I don't think devscripts is used anymore.

That was my feeling as well, but I wasn't sure and I'm still diving in.

In any case, I checked with an empty container and devscripts pulls in
75 dependencies, or 377 if one doesn't exclude recommended packages. So
just getting rid of that would already be a big improvement.


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