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Re: Uploaded manpages 1.15-5 (source all) to master

On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Joey Hess wrote:

> >  Do you like the idea of having this as two packages? Are the
> > new descriptions OK?
> I like two packages, as I'm going to soon be setting up a non-development
> machine on a 200 mb disk (and I want spare disk left over for a web cache),
> and so I'm happy for ways to save disk space.
> >  manpages   - Man pages about using a Debian system.
> >  manpages-dev - Linux-development man pages.
> I think the first description should be improved. It implies these man pages
> are debian-specific. "Linux man pages" works for me.

 But I want to make clear that the package doesn't include development
info. I'm about to release a version with `Man pages about using a Linux
system.'... is that ok?

Nicolás Lichtmaier.-

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