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Re: live cd

On Fri, 2005-01-21 10:28:54 +0530, msc@physics.uni-mysore.ac.in <msc@physics.uni-mysore.ac.in>
wrote in message <[🔎] 54764.>:
> I have downloaded
> Quantian_0.5.9.2.cd.iso - 715150kb
> Quantian_0.5.9.2.cd.md5sum - 1kb
> I copied these two files to a cd and trying to boot from the cd
> but the cd is not booting what shall i do?

Understand how data CDs work. You're not expected to copy these two
files onto a CD. The 2nd file is purely there to allow you to check the
first file being unmodified by evil people. The first file is a raw CD
image that needs to be burned as an image onto the CD.


Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw@lug-owl.de    . +49-172-7608481             _ O _
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