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Re: Available file (was Re: Is there a "Pseudo Mirror Kit"?)

J.A. Bezemer wrote:
> /var/lib/dpkg/available is a file used only by dselect. (And tasksel, but I
> consider that a grave bug.)

And of course, by dpkg -p. :-P

> It only matches apt-cache dumpavail if dselect is
> set to use the apt [A]ccess method, and is updated only if you [U]pdate from
> within dselect (which then calls /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/update).

Therefore, anyone who cares about a consistent system is advised to use
"dselect update" rather than "apt-get update".

> You can easily alternate between using dselect-with-dpkg-ftp and apt-get-from-
> commandline; they're separate front-ends that use separate "available" files.
> And you don't want one front-end to mess with files of another.

Debian has historically had exactly one set of available files per
system, and it always worked fine.

Jason's reasons for not making apt support this automatically are, imho,
very flawed.

see shy jo

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