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Re: Still busy...

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Richard Atterer wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just in case you're wondering what has become of me and my plans of a
> new CD download tool: I've been programming for the last two weeks,
> working on the first step; a tool that is given the CD image and a
> list of filenames and finds out which of the files are contained at
> which offsets in the image. It also writes out a "template" file with
> instructions on how to recreate the image.
> I've made some progress already (~80% done with that first tool), but
> unfortunately the rest of my life will demand more of my time again
> starting with next week, so I'm not sure how much longer it'll take
> me. But watch this space!

Thanks for the update!

One idea that might be useful: You probably cut each file in X-byte blocks and
compare checksums. Since we're talking about terribly much files that we don't
want to checksum more than once, it may prove worthwile to scan all files at
once and save the results in a temporary file (checksum <-> filename/offset;
sorted?) and use that to compare against.

Oh, and you probably already know that files in an iso image 1) can only start
at 2048-byte multiples and 2) are always contiguous (no fragmentation).

  Anne Bezemer

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