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Re: Next attempt to add Blends to Debian installer

Hi Holger,

thanks a lot for your effort.  Its really appreciated and very valuable
for the Blends effort.

Am Thu, May 09, 2024 at 11:05:28PM +0200 schrieb Holger Wansing:
> Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org> wrote (Tue, 13 Feb 2024 23:43:35 +0100):
> > could we just "copy tasksel with its UI and infrastructure" into a new package 
> > (I name it 'blends-di-tasks' here), which has all the blends listed, and add 
> > one entry to tasksel with a name like "Debian Pure Blends" or similar?
> > 
> > If one then selects "Debian Pure Blends" in the good all known tasksel, the 
> > blends-di-tasks package would be installed on /target, and later a new dialog 
> > would appear, listing all the blends, where the user could select which one to 
> > install.
> > (If the "Debian Pure Blends" entry stays unchecked, as would be the default
> > value, everything stays as is: the new dialog would not appear, no difference
> > to previous releases.)
> > 
> > Would that be a possible solution for all involved parties?
> I worked on this in the meantime, and would like to propose my current 
> state:

While I guess the natural place for your packages is installer-team I've
just added you to the team in case you want to maintain some
(additional?) packages there.
> - I adapted tasksel, to become an installer for Debian pure blends. The
>   new package is blendsel, see https://salsa.debian.org/holgerw/blendsel/

I've build this package and besides a nitpicking comment thet you should
probably fix your ID in Uploaders field.

> - I prepared a change in pkgsel, to call blendsel depending on the
>   descision, if Debian pure blends are wanted or not.
>   See https://salsa.debian.org/holgerw/pkgsel/
> I did some testing in d-i, however that's tricky:
> testing is problematic as long as the new blendsel package is not in the
> archive, and the same with the changed pkgsel.
> So I had to "live-patch" the d-i for testing of blendsel, and therefore
> I cannot provide a working test image or the like (or I don't know how).

I admit I have no idea how to test in d-i but Cyril has given some
answers according to this.
> Anyway, I think I have it running so far, the blendsel dialog appears
> and shows the items to select; I'm attaching a screenshot showing the 
> current state (please note, that the dialog shows three desktop environments
> as placeholder for now; the tasksel - and therefore blendsel as well -
> logic does not allow to have packages|tasks|blends listed that don't
> have the corresponding task-* packages in the archive).

I've build the package locally and confirm it works as described.
> However, there will most likely be some glitches and edges to fix in
> blendsel, a review would be more than welcome...
> The template should be rephrased, I would ask for review on debian-l10n-english
> when the time comes, but I guess there is still time for that...

> So, how to proceed now?
> To make progress, the new blendsel needs to get into the archive I guess,
> otherwise testing and providing test images will not work IMO.
> Would the installer-team be ok with taking blendsel under its umbrella,
> as tasksel is, to get it uploaded?

Just let me know if you need any support besides questions that can only
be answered by installer team.

Thanks again for your work


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