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Re: Rockchip RK3399 based board for server use?

>>> Are there any other boards or chipsets I should be considering?
>> I'm also using A20-based boards for the same kind of use you describe
>> and for the same reasons, and while I haven't yet felt a need to replace
>> them, I've noticed the ESPRESSObin as a candidate for successor.
>> It's not very much more powerful, OTOH.
> Thanks for the link, though that board does not look competitive in 2020. It
> is no better in price or performance than the A20-based boards where when
> they where released 5 years ago. Right now the only benefits I see are the
> three network ports, and possibly the very small size & low power
> requirements for some use cases.

As I said, it's not much more powerful than an A20.  I think it is a bit
better, tho:
- AFAIK the SATA doesn't suffer from the write bottleneck of
  A20's (tho this bottleneck has presumably been somewhat fixed in
- The CPUs are slightly faster.
- It comes with PCIe.

> Also it looks like there is no mainline kernel support.

Oh, really?  I thought a big selling point was its mainline support
"from day one" more or less.
At least, I see a


already back in 4.16.


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