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Re: rpi, now no shell for an ssh login

On 24/07/18 17:45, Gene Heskett wrote:

Now to see if the pi can be fixed, but the second of those two
commands does not exist in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the pi, even
there but commented out.

But I have not made it work on the pi, with or without the
X11UseLocalhost no (the default it says)
line, i get a login requestor, enter my pw, and get the login blurb, but
then no shell. I have not rebooted the pi, I guess thats next...

Didn't help, I can login from here, or from the new armbian install on
the rock64, but I get no shell after the signed in blurb.

Let's try to make some sense of this. You've got /what/ /exactly/ running on the RPi: Raspbian Jessie?

Can you log in using an attached screen/keyboard? As both GUI and text (i.e. in the latter case using <Ctrl><Alt><F1> to get a text login prompt)? Can you either login as root or do a sudo su or whatever? Does ifconfig tell you that the expected interface exists and has the expected address?

> And the /etc/passwd says I get /bin/bash...

No it doesn't, it says that it's to use it provided that it's installed. Does /bin/bash exist? Does the home directory exist (that's a very common problem)?

Now provided that the above is OK, let's look at SSH which is what I /think/ you're asking about. Presumably you can ping the RPi and get a response back (i.e. your route is OK), what /exactly/ happens when you try to SSH to it? Does ssh -v throw any light on it? Can you try from a PC rather than your Rock64?

Logging into Raspbian Jessie is something I do on a very regular basis.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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