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Re: Which port for armv4l?

On Thu, 11 Aug 2016, Wookey wrote:

> > > here it is:
> > > https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/maz/arm-platforms.git/log/?h=arm/netwinder
> > 
> > I see it's still being developed... is it stable enough?
> Marc said it was working well on his netwinder, even doing exotic
> things like testing with qemu and kvm.  

I see.

Maybe it's a stupid and offtopic question, but how to download it? I tried 
git clone -b arm/netwinder https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/maz/arm-platforms.git 
but it downloaded whole 4.8.0-rc1 kernel tree. I'd prefer to apply this 
as a patch to 4.7.0...

> I plan to test it on my netwinder and balloonboard so I can upgrade
> them past '8 years ago', at some point, but it's hardly the most
> urgent thing I have to do :-)

That's understandable :)

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