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Re: Compiling armhf version on wheezy amd64

On 9/25/2013 4:44 PM, Wookey wrote:
+++ Jerry Stuckle [2013-09-25 15:49 -0400]:
OK, I think I'm making progress here - at least figuring out what
I'm doing wrong.

I need to go back and compile a new kernel for the raspberry pi
(armhf). I'm using wheezy (amd64).

Where I'm running into problems is finding the files for compiling.
I get the message "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc: Command not found".

Sometimes this is just a missing symlink, even when you do have a
crosstoolchain installed (from arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc to

Unfortunately, that isn't the case here. I have nothing with gnueabihf (or even gnueabi*) installed - and can't find anything in the stable repository.

Looking through the repository, it looks like I need to install
gcc:armhf.  But doing this with apt-get gives me unmet dependencies,
and doing it with aptitude removes a bunch of packages.

No,m that would be the version of gcc that _runs on arm_. You want one
that runs on amd64, but produces code for arm. That would be

OK, thanks for the info.  This is still all very new to me :)

So, can someone please help a noob with what I need to install to be
able to compile the kernel?

Cross-toolchains for debian are not yet in the archive, and the
emdebian ones are broken on wheezy (SFAIK), so its a bit of a mess at
the moment. This set (ubuntu cross-toolchain rebuild for debian) work
on unstable, and may install OK on wheezy:

There are useful docs I should point you at, and actually check what
is/isn;t working today.


Thanks - I'll see if I can get this installed and running.

Or do you think I would be better off loading up squeeze?


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