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Re: pls help

* Christian Eichert (moga@timisoara.net) wrote :
> I updated mailman 2.1.4-5 from the apt
> I updated apache2 2.0.50-5
> Everything looks OK except for one thing:  when a URL like,
>         http://myhost/mailman/listinfo
> is requested, 'Apache2' locates the file (return code = 200) but wants
> to *download* the 'listinfo' file instead of executing it!  My hunch
> is that it is a CGI-BIN issue.
> Here's what I've added to the standard 'Apache2' config:
>   ScriptAlias    /mailman/      /var/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/
>   Alias          /pipermail/    /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/
>   <Directory "/var/lib/mailman/archives/public/">
>       Options FollowSymLinks
>   </Directory>
> I've also changed "/etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py" as suggested in the
> "README.Debian" file.
> pls help
have you enabled the cgi or cgid (for prefork or worker, respectively) module for apache2?

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