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Hello, excuse me, have you received my prev. letter on 01/14/04?
Thank you. Below I put some more thoughts.

Actually... what I might also be interested in is investing in 
your efficient business projects, if you have any.

Your project may be in any legal and ethical sphere, require $5K 
to $50K in investment, must have 300%+ of return on investment 
and pay-off under 1 year. Do you have anything of the kind? 

If yes, please see below. Under my letter I put a list of things 
I need to know about your project. Thank you.

And here is a next part of my book. I will be glad if you find 
these thoughts interesting and helpful for yourself. Your 
opinion on any items will be so much welcome!


501 thoughts on how to become wealthy, continuation
(beginning is in my previous letter on 01/14/04):

13. If you have a very attractive business idea, immediately 
draft the action plan to implement it and roughly calculate the 
costs and revenues that in your opinion (try to be realistic) 
may result from fulfillment of that idea according to this plan.

14. In business every given failure does not mean that the whole 
business will fail. Same as every given success does not mean 
that the whole business will prosper.

15. Marketing wisdom: there is (almost) no such an offer, that 
EVERYONE would be interested in. Even 1 million dollars for free 
can find only a category of interested consumers, and there will 
definitely be those not interested.

16. ?Skim up? principle. Quite often, 80% of value is in 20% of 
an object or process, and the remaining 20% of value are in the 
other 80% of that. Low quality has a right for existance too.

17. In all the cases, where you can avoid work, do avoid, so 
that you could release your time for something more valuable (if 
such a thing exists). 

The ideal result, which you should always keep in mind, and try 
to bring into reality, wherever possible, is: you don?t have to 
do anything, and results happen by themselves.

18. In delegating tasks to another person, in some cases it 
takes more time to properly explain the task and control the 
results than to accomplish the task yourself, and in some cases 
? the other way round. Think ? what is better.

19. Business today is a fine-tuned system with multiple 
parameters, affecting the final result (profit). A large number 
of these parameters have only 2 values in common understanding: 
yes or no. In business, these parameters may take a variety of 
values, where yes and no are only the extremities.

20. According to statistics the top business level is dominated 
by the people who make their decisions intuitively.

21. Spend your time conceptually. Think up a diversity of 
possible things to do, but do only those that bring sufficiently 
quick financial return and will continue to bring it without 
your participation.

22. If there is something that you don?t want to do very much, 
it could mean that it is not effective to do it presently (not 
conceptual) or in full volume. Think, isn?t it so.

..to be continued.


While I prepare items for publishing I may be sending them to 
you in readable portions once or twice a week.

As usual, if you don't want thoughts on building wealth you can 
tell me "remove" in subject line and I won't send you any more.
But perhaps you'd check some more times and then decide if you 
like them. Honestly, I strive my best to make them interesting.

And if you have your own ideas on building wealth, I will 
greatly appreciate if you send them to me!

To Your Success,

Michael Core
Wealth Avenue, Inc.

PS. Yes, not to forget the most important: my main interest was 
whether you have any efficient projects for my investment.

What I look for is establishing a long-term relationship with a 
source of efficient projects I could invest in.

You should have clear vision for the marketing, technology, 
and timing aspects of the project implementation.

Usually, my conditions are: You manage, I consult. We share the 
ownership as 50:50, where 50% accounts to your idea and efforts 
and another 50% is my financial investment and consulting.

We may negotiate different conditions if you have any specific 

Info about your project I need:

1. Project name.
2. Business model, "how it works".
3. Marketing (market, target audience, competition, etc).
4. Technological aspects.
5. Investment it takes and how the money will be spent.
6. Calculations for pay-off and ROI, facts and argumentation.
7. Known risks, problems and solutions.
8. What is ready for starting-up on your side?

Also, a bit more about you:

1. Who is the project owner (company or person's name)
2. Contact person, name
3. Email
4. Phone
5. Best time to contact you (including your time zone)
6. ICQ, AIM, Yahoo or MSN Messenger.
7. About your team.

I promise and guarantee that I will NOT use any information 
about your project otherwise than for making my investment 
decision. Particularly, I will NOT pass this information to any 
third parties outside my company without your explicit 

If I get interested I'll respond with more questions.

Thank you,

Michael Core
Wealth Avenue, Inc.

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