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Bug#216202: Re[2]: Bug#216202: apache-ssl: error when trying to get subdirs with Mozilla browser

Hello Matthew,

MW> On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 01:38:39PM +0400, Alexander Gerasiov wrote:
>> when accessing https://hostname/ with any brouser I tried (MSIE,
>> Konqueror, Mozilla) everything is all right
>> when accessing https://hostname/anything (mean directory I created) with
>> anything exept Mozilla everything looks all right too
>> but when accessing this dir with Mozilla (tested on Debian and Windows)
>> error happens: Mozilla says "The document contains no data"
>> In error.log:
>> [Fri Oct 17 13:33:57 2003] [error] SSL_accept failed
>> [Fri Oct 17 13:33:57 2003] [error] error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request
>> In previous versions of apache-sll (prior to 1.3.28 and may be prior to
>> 1.3.28-2) there were no such errors.

MW> This looks awfully similar to
MW> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=215011
Yes.. Looks, but after I reported this bug there Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
send me a mail and as we found that's another bug.

MW> Could you tell us what the setting of SSLCacheServerPort is in your

> # Set the global cache server port number, or path. If it is a path, a Unix
> # domain socket is used. If a number, a TCP socket.
> SSLCacheServerPort /var/run/gcache_port
> #SSLCacheServerPort 1234

MW> config file?  And is there any chance that you had this config file
MW> before 1.3.28-3?
No, I don't think that could happends cause I removed /etc/apache-ssl
befor this installation.

All things which could be different from default are those debian
install script made. (And DocumentRoot I changed.)

Best regards,
 Alexander GQ Gerasiov <gq@cs.msu.su>

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