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Re: current debian way of installing adobe flashplayer in amd64.....

Hi Michael,

Am Freitag, 22. August 2008 11:43:35 schrieb Michael Fothergill:
> Dear Folks,
> What is the latest way of installing adobe flashplayer in amd64
> Lenny?
> I tried this from a debian howto web page I found on google but it
> didn't work:
> debian:/home/mikef# apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done
> Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by
> another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been
> obsoleted, or is only available from another source
> E: Package flashplugin-nonfree has no installation candidate
> debian:/home/mikef#
> My apt source.list file looks like this:

As you can see here 
the 'flashplugin-nonfree'-package is not available in lenny.
The easiest way to use it is to install it from the unstable repository.

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