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Re: Re: Openoffice

Użytkownik Gudjon I. Gudjonsson <gudjon@mc2.chalmers.se> napisał:
>Hi Tomek
>> > packages on my server if you are interested. But as before, there may be
>> > some unwanted stuff on my server.
>> >deb http://mc2-m038.mc2.chalmers.se/~gudjon/debian/ amd64/
>> >
>> >/Gudjon
>> Hi. I've just downloaded some ooo components from the link above and found
>> out that there is a problem with dependienses - openoffice.org-common
>> requires openoffice.org-style-default and vice versa
>You are right but what is the problem. Both files are on my server and it 
>installed flawlessly on my computer.

hmm.. shouldn't it be considered as a bug? But I'm not an expert in .deb packaging.
It is possible to install those packages but you have to install one of them w/o dependency checking (I installed downloaded .deb files with kpackage) or you'll get an error and the package will not be 'configured' (what ever that means) and the package is marked as broken (eg. after running Synaptic an info message apears about the problem).
I tried to add the given address to the list of repos thru Synaptic but apt-get update couldnt find the package index so I had to download the files and install them manually.

Dunno, but whatever - the new ooo works fine and thats what counts.
Great thanx for the amd64 packages!


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