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Re: rret or rred

hendrik@topoi.pooq.com writes:

> On Mon, Sep 18, 2006 at 03:41:06PM +0100, David Goodenough wrote:
>> On Monday 18 September 2006 15:12, Wolfgang Mader wrote:
>> > Hello list,
>> >
>> > since this is silly question I only want a short answer.
>> >
>> > Today I noticed a process using top with the name rred or rret owned by
>> > root. It eats up 70% of my cpu. Now he is gone. I can not find him neither
>> > with top nor with the systemguard from kde.
>> >
>> > What is this for an strange process. Do I have to worry the same way users
>> > from "the other os" have to?
>> >
>> > Thank you, W. Mader
>> I suspect you were running apt-get update at the time.  This is the process 
>> that processes the .pdiff files.  It is thus friendly and not a concern.
> What are these pdiff files, anyway?  they started showing up with routine upgrades 
> a month of two ago.  There seem to ba an awful lot of them.  I presume the 
> Debian repositories are moving to some kind of RCS-like thing with their binary 
> files, and I am getting a chain of differences.  Is it documented somewhere?
> -- hendrik

Incremental diffs for the Index files. One per day. But you get 3
messages for each for downloading, gunzip and rred respectively. 3
times as much for main/contrib/non-free, double if you have etch and
sid, double again for source.

That can be a lot of pdiff files even for just one day. But they are
tiny, they just take way too much cpu time to process currently.


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