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Re: CPU Frequency on default Sarge kernel

Eduardo Costa Lisboa wrote:
> Hi. I can't set the CPU frequency on my notebook. I am using the
> default kernel, 2.6.8-11-amd64-generic.

Can you be more specific? Tell us the output of the following:

$ cpufreq-info

$ grep CONFIG_CPU_FREQ /boot/config-`uname -r`

$ dmesg | grep powernow-k8

That last one might not work if your machine has been running a while. Try:
# cd /var/log ; (cat messages messages.0 ; cat messages.*.gz | zcat) | \
grep powernow-k8 | tail -n 20

> I would like to know if is it possible to set the processor frequency
> using cpufrequtils on the AMD64 processor.



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