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Re: a few questions

On Mon 01 Mar 1999, Oliver Soell wrote:

> 1: Since about a month ago, both of my boxes have segfaulted on vi, when
> quitting (not a problem) and resizing an xterm running vi. This came about
> at the same time my more stopped working (more goes through the first page

This looks like an ncurses problem. What vi do you use? nvi or vim?

> 2: I'm still getting dependency errors trying to upgrade xbase (complains
> about xlib6g and xlib6g-dev). Should I remove some package left over from
> before the X migration?

Do you still get this? The latest xfree packages were installed last
night. Note also that the xbase package is now a dummy package meant to
ensure that you install all the stuff that used to be part of xbase...
Once you've installed those, you can safely remove xbase by hand.

Paul Slootman
home: paul@wurtel.demon.nl | work: paul@murphy.nl | debian: paul@debian.org
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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