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Re: SVGATextMode?

On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 02:06:04PM +1300, Martin Lucina wrote:

> > 	What about using the frame buffer support in the latest 2.2.0
> > kernel... Although I'm not the authority on the matter but from what I've
> > read it seems this looks like the replacement for SVGATextMode...
> It is. If you are using a VGA card that supports the VESA 2.0 standard, you
> can compile in VESA framebuffer support and you should be able to use fbset
> to setup your screen mode. Don't waste your time with SVGATextMode, the 
> framebuffer drivers is the way to go (or GGI, if you are so inclined).

How can I do this?  Whenever I go into menuconfig on the Alpha, it only has
TGA framebuffer driver; no VESA driver on Alpha.  (That option is present on
my x86 box.  Hmm.)

> My problem is that I have a TGA card and the TGA framebuffer driver doesn't 
> support multiple resolutions. I need to use a fixed frequency monitor with
> my Alpha box and it can only do 1280x1024. Is someone working on this? If 
> not, I may be able to find the time to read the TGA programmers manual and
> implement this.
> Martin
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